Thursday, August 30, 2012

Why I don't like tablets.

There are many reasons, so I will start with the first that comes to mind. At first you might see an advantage in that they are extremely portable. But then so was the netbook. What killed that off is that their keyboard and screen where too small. With tablets, the keyboard is only as big as the screen, and if you're typing on one, at least half of the screen is covered up by your hands. Then there is the limited processing power, nonexistent ability to upgrade them so that you have to spend $200+ if you want a faster one. And here is the real kicker, there one advantage is that they can be used as an e-reader. I despise e-readers with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns, but that is a rant for another post. Until then, dear reader, adieu.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

First of what will more likely be many.

Hey there humans, one of my teachers is haveing me make this for class. So here it is. More to come latter. Until then, adios and a harty orevwa!